10 Things That Work-At-Home Moms Can Learn From the Proverbs 31 Woman

I have to admit that when I was younger I was not a fan of the “Proverbs 31 Woman.” It didn’t seem likely to me that any woman could possibly live up to the standards found within those verses (Prov. 31:10-31). However, since becoming a wife and mother, I’ve had a change of heart towards this infamous woman. She has become a source of inspiration and I believe there is a lot that we can learn from the example she provides.

Here are a few life lessons that work-at-home moms can glean from this lovely lady in Scripture:

1. Strive to Be a Women of Noble character

“A wife of noble character… is worth far more than rubies.” (v. 10)

It doesn’t necessarily sound like much to be of “noble character” (actually, it sounds rather snooty), but Merriam-Webster defines noble as meaning, “possessing outstanding qualities.” Can you think of someone in your life that fits that boho womens tops, someone who has “outstanding qualities?” Chances are, this is a person that you love to spend time with and that’s definitely the type of woman I’d like to become.

2. How to Have a Happy Husband

“Her husband has full confidence in her” (v. 11)

While this may not give us an exact formula for a happy husband, it certainly is true that husbands are more relaxed when their household is calm. If we are looking out for our husbands best interests, putting them before ourselves, how could we help but develop our spouse’s “full confidence” in us?

3. Work Hard

“She… works with eager hands” (v. 13)

Being a work-at-home mom is not an easy task. Everything about it takes work. However, if you’re at home with your kids, following you dream, building a business, hopefully you wake up each morning (or at least most mornings) eager to get started and see what the new day brings.

4. Live a Disciplined Life

“She gets up while it is still dark” (v. 15)

Early morning hours, naptime “jam sessions” and late night work time are all generally part of a mom’s life. The more disciplined we are throughout the day, and especially during work times, the more we can accomplish. The Proverbs 31 woman recognized this and started her days before the sun rose.

5. Take Chances

“She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.” (v. 16)
“She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.” (v. 24)

What a creative woman. She brings in some extra money to help pay the bills – no wonder her husband has “full confidence in her” even when she is taking a risk. Consider this: there was no online ordering system when Proverbs was written. This gal made the garments and sashes ahead of time, hoping they would sell. She bought land hoping to create a successful vineyard. She stepped out of her comfort zone because she saw a market for the products she would be creating.

6. Make Prudent Decisions

“She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.” (v. 18)

This woman took time to think through each decision she made – she bought the fields with vineyards in mind; she made the garments and sashes with customers mind; she made sure that her provisions were in place for her family and servants (v. 15). We would do well to learn from this – look honestly at whether our “trading is profitable” and we can make wise decisions.

7. Be Generous

“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” (v. 20)

This woman knew that in God’s system priorities tend to be the opposite of what we find in society. She recognized that in order to truly be successful in God’s eyes she needed to tend to what matters to Him – His children. By reaching out and helping those less fortunate than herself, the woman of Proverbs showed her thankfulness for all that God had given her.

8. Get Organized

“She can laugh at the days to come.” (v. 25)

Why can she laugh at the days to come? Look back through the verses above (or better yet, read entire passage HERE) and you’ll see that she is not worried about the future for two reasons: 1) She trusts God and knows that He will care for her; 2) She knows that she has done all she can to prepare for whatever lies ahead.

9. Seek Wisdom

“She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” (v. 26)

How do we gain wisdom? The book of Proverbs is full of sayings about wisdom and how to attain it. It all boils down to this: “For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (Prov. 2:6) Seek the Lord, ask Him for godly wisdom.

10. Strive to Please God

“A woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” (v. 30)

Above all else, what sets the Proverbs 31 woman apart is that she loves the Lord. Our goal in every area of our life – personal, family, business – should be to glorify God.

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